Why most small businesses don't work - and what to do about it

Why most small businesses don't work - and what to do about it

Posted by Claire White ¦ Business Tools

The title refers to Gerber’s belief that entrepreneur​s are not naturally good business people and many continue for years in ‘Technician’ mode – ie they personally ‘do’ whatever the business sells, whether that’s creating a product or service delivery.

In the book Gerber provides a really well thought out and incredibly organised plan, detailing and explaining every stage an entrepreneur needs to go through in order to create a business – and stop having a job!

The book is written around ‘Sarah’ and her business ‘All About Pies’ and follows Gerber in teaching her how to free herself from ‘doing’ the business so that she can concentrate on it’s growth.

A really excellent read.  My only criticism would be that Gerber sometimes labours a point, but nevertheless it’s almost impossible not to nod along as you recognise yourself in his examples.

Get yourself a copy here

So do you truly have a business... or is it actually just a job with multiple bosses? It would be great to read your views below.

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