Business Skills

How accountability will help you reach your goals

How accountability will help you reach your goals


Have you ever found yourself watching a box-set / mowing the lawn [insert your favourite distraction] in the middle of the day when you know full well there’s a mountain of things that need to be done in your business?

Read on to discover how having 'accountability' can help you reach your goal.

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The dangers of being too available

The dangers of being too available

As business owners we all know how important it is to spend an amount of time each day on 'getting and keeping customers'.  So why aren't more of us adopting the behaviour that we know will make us more successful? The answer is one of two things...

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How to... Respond to a LinkedIn invitation without accepting

How to... Respond to a LinkedIn invitation without accepting

For those of us who use LinkedIn as a way of building a meaningful network of legitimate contacts (rather than those who seem to view it as just another social media platform with bragging rights for huge numbers of followers) the ability to reply to an invitation to connect, before accepting the request, is really useful. But you guessed it... it's moved. Here's a quick guide to unveil it from its new hiding place.

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How to... Conquer Blogging in 4 Easy Steps

How to... Conquer Blogging in 4 Easy Steps

There aren't many professions where you get paid by your clients to use a whip! But month after month I get to crack my (albeit metaphorical) lash to help my clients stay on track and keep their businesses moving forward.

So what activity do you think clients procrastinate over the most? The task that generates the most excuses and that clients find most difficult to complete? BLOGGING.

Writing a blog can be hard work so in this article we share how to conquer blogging in just 4 easy steps.

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How to stay motivated when you're building your business alone

How to stay motivated when you're building your business alone

I love the freedom of being self-employed and the benefits of working from home, but there are definitely times when I miss being 'with' people during the day. After several days on the trot of working from home, and particularly on Monday's when the house is quiet again after the hustle and bustle of the weekend, I can fall prey to...

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